Spousal Support & APL Lawyers in PA
Spousal Support Is a critical Factor in Divorce
Spousal Support may be necessary for financial assistance to the financially dependent spouse. Married people are liable for the support of each other according to their respective abilities. Spousal support is typically handled through the Domestic Relations Office of each county. It is not automatic, and you must file a Complaint for Spousal Support separate from a Divorce Complaint.
Pennsylvania provides guidelines of how much Spousal Support should be paid. The guidelines include the net incomes and earning capacities of the parties and take into consideration unusual needs and extraordinary expenses. Spousal Support is paid only when the parties are separated but not yet divorced and there are some situations which may disqualify someone from receiving Spousal Support.
We will help you determine if you or your spouse are eligible for Spousal Support and how much it may be. Parties may also agree on a support amount to be paid to the entitled party without the intervention of the Court.
What is Alimony Pendente Lite?
Alimony Pendente Lite is Alimony “while the action is pending” and is similar to Spousal Support in that it ends once a divorce action is final. Alimony Pendente Lite is meant to provide temporary financial support to the lower-earning spouse during the divorce proceedings. It is based more upon the needs of the recipient than Spousal Support and can be obtained if one party is deemed ineligible to receive Spousal Support.
At Harold Shepley & Associates, you can expect us to guide you through this process of support and help determine how to proceed with support to best financially support your situation.
Our compassionate team is here to provide the support and guidance you need, no matter where you are in the legal process

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